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Charity Governance a​nd Operations

Charity Governance a​nd Operations

​​​Charities Lean Forward: Navigating Employment Law and HR Practices for Charities
19 Sep 2024

Jointly organised by the Office of the Commissioner of Charities and Pro Bono SG, this webinar explores essential HR practices and discusses insights into navigating the complexities of employment laws specific to charitable organisations, helping charities ensure compliance and uphold the highest standards of integrity.​​​

​​​Charities Lean Forward: Legal Liabilities of Board ​​Members (Conducted in Mandarin)
30 May 2024

Whether individuals are considering taking on a directorial role or are already serving on a charity board, this webinar aims to address any uncertainties regarding charity’s board members’ rights and responsibilities. ​​

Jointly organised by the Office of the Commissioner of Charities and Pro Bono SG, this webinar is specially curated in Mandarin. ​​

​​​In Conversation with Commissioner of Charities and Charity Council​
4 Apr 2024

The Commissioner of Charities (COC) and the Charity Council co-organised the seventh run of the ‘In Conversation with the COC’ series which is a forum for charities to learn about good governance and management practices from industry experts and fellow charities. It also serves as a forum for open communication between COC and charities.​​

Together with Pro Bono SG (PBSG) and the Centre for Non-Profit Leadership (CNPL), the COC and Charity Council explored the various stages of charities, from start-up to maturity, navigating challenges, seizing opportunities, and making a meaningful impact on the communities they served.

Jointly organised by the Office of the Commissioner of Charities, Charity Council, National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre and Pro Bono SG.

​​​​Charity Governance Conference 2023​
21 Nov 2023​​

This year’s Charity Governance Conference (CGC) themed “Governance in Action – From Purpose to Practice and Impact” discussed on ways that charities could put their purpose into practice and demonstrate their impact for the betterment of the society and well-being of individuals and communities. The conference was held at Suntec Convention Centre and via Zoom. It was attended by close to 800 charity representatives and various sector partners.​​

Jointly organised by the Charity Council, Securities Investors Association (Singapore) (SIAS) and Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS).​

​​​​Charities Lean Forward: Strengthen Your Charities Against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing
2 Nov 2023

All charities must understand Money Laundering (ML) and Terrorist Financing (TF) risks and have proper governance practices and strong internal controls to safeguard their charities. This webinar shares insights and walks you through case scenarios on how you can guard against such situations and prevent criminal consequences.

Jointly organised by the Office of the Commissioner of Charities and Pro Bono SG.​

​​​​Charities Lean Forward: Doing More with Less – Maximising Impact through Systems Change
26 Oct 2023

To achieve lasting impact, charities should focus on understanding the underlying systems and structures that often perpetuate the issues they address. This webinar shares and discusses on targeted interventions by identifying key leverage points are key to creating significant, positive systems change.

Jointly organised by the Commissioner of Charities and Singapore University of Social Sciences.

​​​In Conversation with Commissioner of Charities and Charity Council
4 Apr 2023

The Commissioner of Charities (COC) and the Charity Council co-organised the sixth run of the ‘In Conversation with the COC’ series which is a forum for charities to learn about good governance and management practices from industry experts and fellow charities. Together with Pro Bono SG (PBSG) and the Centre for Non-Profit Leadership (CNPL), the COC and Charity Council discussed the upcoming changes to the revised Code of Governance such as board succession planning, Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and Governance Evaluation Checklist (GEC).

Jointly organised by the Office of the Commissioner of Charities, Charity Council, Pro Bono SG and Centre for Non-Profit Leadership.

​​​Charities Lean Forward: Integrate Social Impact into Strategy
27 Oct 2022

What is your definition of social impact and performance? Does your charity have the right strategies to measure the impact of your charitable work? This webinar shares and discusses on the strategies that your charity may adopt to measure your impact.

Jointly organised by the Commissioner of Charities and Singapore University of Social Sciences.

​​​Charity Governance Conference 2022
8 and 9 Sep 2022

This year’s Charity Governance Conference (CGC) themed “Governance Beyond Adversity” aimed to discuss on current and emerging topics that are relevant to driving effective charity governance. The conference was held at the Stephen Riady Auditorium @ NTUC and via Zoom. It was attended by close to 800 charity representatives and various sector partners.

​​​​Jointly organised by the Charity Council, Securities Investors Association (Singapore) (SIAS) and Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS).​

​​​Charities Lean Forward: Transitioning of Legal E​ntity – Incorporating into a Company Limited by Guarantee
21 Jun 2022

Your non-profit organisation was set up many years ago with the sole purpose of doing good and helping the marginalised or underserved. Your organisation has reached many beneficiaries and grown over the years. Is it time for your organisation to consider transitioning to a company limited by guarantee? What are the pros and cons of this transition? What are the considerations to take this leap? Is this form of entity optimal for your non-profit organisation?

​​​​This webinar is a joint collaboration with Office of the Commissioner of Charities, Charity Council and Law Society Pro Bono Services.​

​​​In Conversation with the Commissioner of Charities and Charity Council
13 Apr 2022

The Office of the COC and the Charity Council came together to co-organise the 5th run of the ‘In Conversation with the COC’ series which is a forum for charities to learn on good governance and management practices from industry experts and fellow charities. The panellists discussed on Board matters including board succession plan, board renewal and diversity.

​​​​Jointly organised by the Office of the Commissioner of Charities, Charity Council, Centre for Non-Profit Leadership and Law Society Pro Bono Services.​

​​​Charities Lean Forward: Legal Liabilities of Board Members and Management
26 Jan 2022

Have you ever thought of stepping up to be a director of a charity? Or are you a director of a charity and am uncertain of your rights and responsibilities? At this webinar, we followed the journey of a fictional volunteer who is invited to be a charity director, his time on the board and finally resigning from the board.

Jointly organised by the Office of the Commissioner of Charities and Law Society Pro Bono Services.

​​​​Board Connect Series - Conflicts of Interest and My Board - Real or Perceived
27 Oct 2021

As Conflicts of Interest can be a major source of concern for the governance of charities, it is critically important to understand and manage Conflicts of Interest well so that our charities can remain transparent and accountable to the public.

​​​​Jointly organised by the Charity Council and Centre for Non-Profit Leadership.

​​​Charity Governance Conference 2021
29 and 30 Sep 2021

This year’s Charity Governance Conference (CGC) themed “Towards Excellent Governance – Building a Sustainable and Progressive Charity” sought to engage and aspire the charity sector in uplifting its governance standard and to build sustainable and progressive charities in Singapore. The conference was held virtually with sharing of insights from experts from the sector.

Jointly organised by the Charity Council and Securities Investors Association (Singapore) (SIAS).​​​​​​​

​​​Charities Lean Forward: Litigation Risk Management
25 Aug 2021

Prevention is better than cure, particularly when it comes to potential claims against charities. Litigation claims not only negatively impact a charity's reputation, but also take up precious resources which could have been better used for the charity’s objects. Join our panel as they discuss key litigation risks for charities and tips on how to reduce and manage such risks.

​​​​Jointly organised by the COC and Law Society Pro Bono Services.

​​​Board Connect Series - Effective Board Management
4 Jun​​​​ ​2021

A well-engaged board in any charity is likely to be strategic and focused. This webinar focused on insights the life cycle of charities and the different levels of engagement required, Board engagement matrix and engagement strategies that work.

​​​​Jointly organised by the Charity Coun​cil and Centre for Non-Profit Leadership.​​​​​

​​Charities Lean Forward: Update on conducting AGM
27 May ​2021

This webinar shares on the best practices for charities to adopt when they conduct a virtual Annual General Meeting.

Jointly organised by the Commissioner of Charities and Chartered Secretaries Institute of ​​​Singapore (CSIS).​​​​

Fill up the form to view the Webinar Recording and download the relevant Presentation Slides​

​​​In Conversation with the Commissioner of Charities and Charity Council
19 Apr​​​​ ​2021

Together with the COC and the Charity Council Chairman, thiswebinar touched on the common governance pitfalls faced by charities and the legal implications. The panelists shared practical steps and case studies that will help charities develop best practices to achieve good governance.

​​​​Jointly organised by the Commissioner of Charities, Charity Coun​cil, Law Society Pro Bono Services and Singapore University of Social Sciences.​​​​

Board Connect Forum: Board Appointment Guide for Charities
24 Feb​​​ ​2021

The Board Appointment Guide for Charities is a collaborative effort led by the Council for Board Diversity, with Ernst and Young, Centre for Non-Profit Leadership, and the Singapore Institute of Directors. In this webinar, charities of all sizes can learn how to use this guide as a useful and practical tool to navigate succession and appointment of the right leaders for their board. It comes with recommended practices consistent with the Code of Governance for Charities and IPCs as well as practical templates for charities’ direct application.

Jointly organised by the Charity Council, Centre for Non-Profit Leadership and Council for Board Diversity.​​​​​​​​

Future Forward: Continuing the work of your Charity
20 Jan​​​ ​2021

It is imperative that charities embark on a proper risk management exercise and prepare a bus​iness continuity plan. This will enable them to chart a course for sustainability and be ever ready to recovery from unexpected events. During this webinar, our panellists discussed what business continuity planning entails for charities. They also delved further on why business continuity planning is important, and discuss the consequences, including potential legal issues which may arise from not preparing a business continuity plan.​​​​

​​​​Jointly organised by the Commissioner of Charities and Law Society Pro Bono Services.​​​

Engagement session with Hindu Endowment Board​
5 Jan​​ ​2021

The revised Charity Transparency Framework was published in October 2020. To raise awareness and educate charities on the framework.​​​​

​​​​Jointly organised by the Commissioner of Charities, Charity Council and the Hindu Endowments Board (HEB​​).​​

Charity Governance Conference 2​​020
23 and 24​​ Sep​​ ​2020

​​​The annual Charity Governance Conference (CGC) was held virtually for the first time, from 23 to 24 September 2020. Them​ed “Governance for Leadership – Sustainability for a Resilient Future”, the conference aspired to engage and educate the charity sector on governance and transparency through sharing of insights and best practices from experts from the sector.​​​​

​​​​Jointly organised by the Charity Council and Securities Investors Association (Singapore) (SIAS).​​

​​Charities Lean Forward – Safeguarding Charities
14 Aug ​2020

Charities can be targeted by unscrupulous parties, becoming victims of fraud, or are being made use of for money laundering or terrorist financing. This webinar equips charities with understanding on these areas, the criminal consequences and practical knowledge of how to guard against such situations.​​​​

​​​​Jointly organised by the Commissioner of Charities and Law Society Pro Bono Services.

In Conversation with the Commissioner of Charities
23 Jun​​ ​2020

​​​​Faced with various changes brought about by COVID-19, charities need to stay relevant and impactful in meeting the evolving needs. The third installation of “In Conversation with the Commissioner of Charities” challenges charities to rethink their usual mode of operations and explore new ways of working through collaboration and digitalisation.​

​​​​Jointly organised by the Commissioner of Charities and Law Society Pro Bono Services.

Charities Lean Forward – Covid-19 Legislation’s Impact on Charity Operations
20 May ​2020

Amidst the pressing issues on the ground, charities may find it difficult to navigate the new COVID-19 laws and certain operational and governance risks may be overlooked. This webinar helps charities gain a better understanding of the COVID19 legislation’s impact on charity operations and how to minimise governance risks arising during this period. The webinar also provides guidance on what charities could do if they experience difficulties meeting their debts and liabilities during this ​​period.​​​​

​​​​Jointly organised by the Commissioner of Charities and Law Society Pro Bono Services.

Charities Lean Forward – How to Con​​duct Virtual General Meeting
15 May ​2020

In light of the ongoing COVID-19 situation, charities’ operations may be under additional strain and some have difficulties holding their Annual General Meetings. This webinar shares the guidelines and best practices for charities to adopt when they conduct a virtual Annual General Meeting.​​​​

​​​​Jointly organised by the Commissioner of Charities and Chartered Secretaries Institute of ​​​Singapore (CSIS).


​​​​Fill up the form to view the Webinar Recording and download the relevant Presentation Slides.​

Charities Lean Forward – Charities Resilience Survival Toolkit
8 May​​ ​2020

The outbreak of COVID-19 requires Charities to assess and address the immediate risks and challenges they face to survive and even thrive in the long run. Learn what these critical risks are and what your charity can do now to reduce the impact of these risks.​​​​

​​​​Jointly organised by the Commissioner of Charities and​​​​ RSM Singapore.

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